Michal Karmon, an artist, an art teacher and a mother of three, is juggling between the different entities that constitutes her world, with an enduring attempt to integrate them without giving up herself, her internal world and her need to create. This struggle, so well-known to the generation of today, sentence her to persistent conflict – How to stay loyal to yourself in such a demanding lifestyle, and what to give up? Can you give up a part of yourself without feeling a deep frustration? And how to deal with such frustration?
The book discusses these questions with enchanting honesty and in a flowing personal style through personal experiences of the author, her students and the people close to her. During that come out some wider questions from the field of art and teaching, life in general and the connections between them:
- How to adjust art teaching to our digital age?
- Is there still value for drawing with a pencil on a paper?
- In what today’s students differ from the older generations’ students and what can we learn from it as teachers or parents?
The author weaves original observations in her book, on the domestic space, the school space and the Israeli cultural space from the different and integrated perspectives of an artist, a mother and a woman. This is her first book.